Research projects

Research projects financed by the Ministry of University and Research

  • The economics of old age risks. In collaboration with the Universities of Venice, Bologna, Milan and Rome Tor Vergata and with the Centre for Financial Studies of Frankfurt. PI: Tullio Jappelli.
  • Labor and Finance. In collaboration with the Universities of Bocconi and Torino. PI: Marco Pagano.
  • Mitigazione del rischio ambientale: letture geostoriche e governance territoriali.  In collaboration with the Universities of Roma Tre, Piemonte Orientale, Verona, Genova, Cassino and Salento. PI: Nicolino Castiello.
  • MOPACT, Mobilising the potential of active ageing in Europe (
  • Finance and Labor (
  • RICARart Campania. PI: Antonio Acconcia.
  • SNECS. PI: Massimo Marrelli.


  • CSEF - Center for Studies in Economics and Finance, in collaboration with the Universities of Bocconi and Salerno, financed by Compagnia di San Paolo, Director: Marco Pagano.
  • Childrole, financed by Compagnia di San Paolo - STAR project. PI: Carla Guerriero.
  • Household asset allocation and financial intermediation: the role of financial advice, ffinanced by Compagnia di San Paolo - STAR project Responsabile scientifico: Giovanni Walter Puopolo.
  • A Resource-Sensitive Framework for Defining and Measuring Equality of Opportunity in Health. Theoretical analysis and empirical applications to Italian data.PI: Massimo Aria.
  • STAR project - Mobilità Giovani Ricercatori. PI: Messalli e Urbinati.